Adding Video

Adding video to your project is as simple as creating a placeholder in your design and then using the video feature to make it work.

Selecting the placeholder layer you’d like to convert to video, use the Features drop-down to select Video. This will add the feature and give you settings.

The first field is the place for you to add your Youtube URL. Simply copy and paste the URL in your browser from the video you want to use.

There are 5 options here for you to customize.


This option will play the video as soon as your page loads no matter where it is on the page. This is mostly helpful for background videos as it can be annoying to users to have videos autoplay with sound somewhere down the page they haven’t see yet.


This option will simply restart the video from the beginning once it reaches the end. Otherwise it will stop at the final frame.


This option is to show or hide the controls for the video. Do you want people to be able to pause or scrub through the video or do you want it to play in the background and not have controls show up when they hover over it?


This option allows you to turn off all sound in your video.

Plays Inline

This option lets you play inline or let browser do a lightbox treatment (browser behavior might vary by browser and device type - mobile or desktop)

You will notice that the placeholder you have in your design does not immediately change to the video. You can only view the video if you are in Preview mode or when viewing a published page.

Last updated